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Explore The Events

in collaboration with

poc culture

The event is called, Same Me. New Year. Through visual and performance art we will be exploring the "new year, new me" mentality and how it can positively and negatively effect our mental health/processes. 

Coming soon

Featuring Xeynamay

Introduction as a DJ



Welcome into spring and flourishing into the elevated chapter of YOU

join the vibe to party, be free and fresh.

March 16th

black boy's he(Art)

This event was an art gallery that focused on giving black boys and men a space to express themselves while discussing the concept of toxic black masculinity within our society. It is crucial to give the black community; especially black men and boys, the safe space to be themselves, express themselves and explore their emotions. 
This showcase has educated all of us on the concept of hyper-masculinity within the black community. The main focus was to create a space to start the discussion on blackness and the impact of our experiences growing up black throughout history. Secondly, it was crucial for this event to happen in the Brampton area. Brampton is a powerhouse for creative work and amazing talent that doesn’t have the opportunities to branch out within the community. Brampton is an amazing place to host an event to encourage the growth within our city. We must nurture what we have to continue growing in success.

In collaboration with P.O.C Culture


P.O.C. Artist Showcase is an after-work social that gives local artists a platform to share their art with their community. It also gives the community a chance to witness the fruits of their city while supporting and encouraging local artists on their journey to stardom. This event puts black artistry on a pedestal while adding heart and culture to the core of downtown Brampton. 

©2018 by Teawithtay. Proudly created with

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